What can I expect at my first appointment?
Please fill out your paperwork prior to coming so that you will not need to arrive 15-20 minutes early for your first appointment (to allow time for filling out paperwork about your medical history, areas of pain, and your goals to ensure that you get your full appointment.) At the initial visit, we will go over your intake forms, discuss your goals, assess range of motion and develop a treatment plan specific to your needs. After the initial assessment, I will treat as time permits. When there is a question about whether to continue treating for more than an hour, I will give you the choice.
What are treatment sessions like?
Generally, with bio-mechanical work, I will be assessing the movement of the spine and range of motion before beginning work so that we can judge improvement as well as assess the areas of greatest restriction.
Mapping of the energetic patterns of the body is another assessment tool I use to determine the areas of greatest priority.
If massage therapy is what you are needing, you will disrobe (to the level of your comfort) as I am out of the room and will receive treatment while draped with a sheet and, depending on your comfort needs, a blanket.
If the goals are to do bodymind therapy work, it is more likely that we will begin seated next to each other on the couch as we discuss mindfulness and learn about how to about witness and deepen into core material.
Depending on your needs and desires, sessions can be quite different.
What are your rates?
How is progress measured?
During subsequent visits, I will sometimes take range of motion measurements to see your progress. Ranges of motion, which show the body’s ability to move freely, often improve by the end of the session. Of course, you will also be aware of progress as your symptoms improve.
What should I wear?
Most of my sessions are done with clothes on. It is a good idea to come in loose comfortable clothing that allows you comfort and ease of motion. Bluejeans can be restrictive, but it is your choice. If massage therapy is called for, draping is used for your comfort and privacy.
How could I prepare?
Please download this Intake form and fill it out before coming so that you can fill it out at home and we can spend our time working together.
I also recommend using the Focus Form as a way to help you to assess your current goals and to communicate them to me prior to coming.
How often should I schedule appointments?
Depending on the severity of your condition, a single visit might suffice; however, if you have a chronic condition or want to be working toward a higher level of wellness, regular visits allow you to build on the momentum of the work.
If you are interested in receiving IMT, consider taking advantage of the 2-hour appointment; multiple hours of IMT at one time can be more effective than separate 1-hour appointments because the diagnostics of IMT are an important component of the work and require time at the front end of treatment.
If you are traveling from a distance, you may also want to schedule multiple hours in one day. In any case, the final decision is up to you.
What happens if I am late?
Please try to be on time in order to receive your full appointment. Everyone’s time is valuable, and I do my best to run on time and be respectful of everyone’s schedules. If you cannot arrive on time, you will likely have a shorter session.
What happens if I cancel?
If you must cancel an appointment, please give as much notice as possible. People are often waiting for availability, so someone else could have used your time slot. If you do not give 24 hours cancellation notice, you will be charged for that time.
What forms of payment do you accept?
I accept cash, checks and credit card payments.
Do you take insurance?
If your insurance covers massage therapy, I am happy to provide you with a receipt that you can submit to your insurance company for your reimbursement.
Why should I pay out of my own pocket for health care?
Body therapy is a totally natural approach that does not rely on chemicals to improve your body’s ability to detox and restore health. Investing in quality healthcare can reduce your other medical costs and enhance your well being gently and naturally.
Where are you located?
South Eugene in the Friendly neighborhood.
Are Craniosacral and IMT beneficial for children?
Craniosacral Therapy can be profoundly helpful for babies and small children. The reason that this method is so important for children is because the bones of a baby’s head are very soft and malleable. As a result, the passage of the birth canal leaves its imprint, as do all the big and little bumps our children undergo. By the time a child is seven years old their heads have pretty well hardened into shape; unfortunately, if they have not received any cranial work, this shape includes the adaptations they have made. With cranial work, many of these impressions can be smoothed away allowing more optimal movement and functioning. Clearly, due to the role of the cerebral-spinal system, this impacts viability of all the different systems of the body.
IMT is suitable for children of all ages. Many children also find IMT very relaxing and look forward to their sessions. It is common for them to fall asleep during the session. Parents of young children will be expected to be in the room with their child during treatment.